Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Mod Goddess Guide to Money

Credit card bills, overdrafts, payslips, cash machines…if money is mostly on your mind, you either have too much or too little of it. But then, the cunning trick of capitalism is that nobody ever thinks they have just the right amount. Two crucial points about money: make sure it’s your own and earn it legally. No gold-digging rich old guys into early graves and no stealing. Still feel penny-pinched? Light a candle for Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth.

This graceful Hindu goddess lounged serenely on her lotus and smiled benevolently on anyone wishing to acquire wealth. Well, not anyone. Lakshmi was said to only visit those people who kept their houses clean and worked hard. Lazy slobs didn’t get a look-in. And without getting too technical, she actually covered several categories of wealth, from granary to progeny to er, elephants. Monetary wealth was only a small part of the true prosperity over which she reigned.

Ok, you may not have any elephants, but chances are you have food and family. Keep your flat tidy and your hands busy, in case Lakshmi drops by. And take this test. Can you afford a new pair of shoes every month? Do you own more shoes than days in a month? Yes? Then, relatively, you’re rich. Maybe you could foster a little girl in India who owns just one pair of shoes. With or without heels, you'll both stand a bit taller.

Mod Lakshmi – Oprah Winfrey: host of the highest-rated TV talk show in history. Oprah was born in rural poverty, raised by a mother on welfare and is now considered the richest African American of the 21st century and the world's only black billionaire. She donates more money to charitable causes than any other celebrity... she personally gave $10 million to build homes for Hurricane Katrina victims.
